Sport Australia’s latest AusPlay survey has shed some light on how people engage with sport and physical activity across the country, with the Australian Capital Territory posting some impressive results.
It was found that the ACT had the most active adults and during the course of 2018/19, 87.8 per cent of those from Canberra aged 15 or over participated in sport or physical activity at least once a week, which is more than the national rate of 82.3 per cent.
Of the Canberran adults that engaged in physical activity, more than two-thirds of those (69.1 per cent) participated at least three times a week.
Sport Australia CEO Kate Palmer spoke about AusPlay as the survey which is completed by 20,000 Australians each year.
“The latest AusPlay results show that almost 13 million Australians (62.9 per cent) aged 15 or over participate in sport or physical activity at least three times a week. Almost 60 per cent of Australian children are active at least once a week in organised activities outside school,” she said.
“We want to see that increase because we know the physical, mental and social benefits that being active provides.
“Sport Australia’s national Find Your 30 campaign encourages all Australians to get active for at least 30 minutes every day. Of course, the recommended activity levels for children are one hour a day, so that may be 30 minutes at school and 30 minutes at home.
“The Find Your 30 campaign is complemented by a suite of programs that encourages everyone to be active for life, from children to older Australians.
“The Australian Government’s national sport plan, Sport 2030, has set a long term goal for Australia to become the world’s most active and healthy nation. We have accomplished a lot so far, but there is far more to do if we are to continue to get Australia moving and achieve our vision.
“Sport Australia works hand in glove with sporting organisations and physical activity providers across the country to drive participation. No matter what state or territory you live in, there are endless options to be active. The key is finding something that you enjoy.”
On a broader scale, Victoria has the highest proportion of tennis players, New South Wales in swimming, Northern Territory in yoga, South Australia in netball, Western Australia in hockey, Tasmania in recreational walking, Queensland in rugby league and the ACT in football – showcasing the wide variety of sports people love.
AusPlay reveal that recreational walking continues to be the most popular activity across the nation, with almost nine million Australian adults taking part.
For more information about the survey results, you can find it here: