Flood recovery grants are available for Victorian businesses and community sport organisations until May 1, 2023 at 4pm.
The Victorian Government’s Business and Community Sport Flood Recovery Grants support those who were directly impacted by the 2022 floods, backing small businesses, not-for-profit and community sport and active recreation organisations that lost valuable resources.
The program is jointly funded by the Commonwealth and Victorian Governments under the Disaster Recovery Funding Arrangements in relation to the Victorian Floods which commenced in October 2022.
Businesses and organisations located within a local government area declared under the Disaster Recovery Funding Arrangement are welcome to apply.
The grant has two tiers of funding:
Tier 1
Up to $25,000 is available with evidence of direct damage and an outline of expected recovery costs.
To make a claim under Tier 1 you can provide evidence of either estimated or actual costs. You must first apply for Tier 1 before progressing to Tier 2.
Tier 2
Tier 2 includes subsequent grant payments totalling over $25,000, up to $50,000, which can be reimbursed with full evidence of payment for recovery costs (tax invoices and official receipts). This evidence of payment must also include any amounts initially claimed under Tier 1, including the initial $5000 immediate flood relief payment (if applicable).
To submit an application visit the Business Victoria website.
Important note via Sport & Recreation Victoria: Any funds provided through this grant include the $5000 already paid from either the Small Business Immediate Flood Relief Program or the Community Sport Emergency Flood Assistance Program. These programs closed on Tuesday 7 February 2023.
If you have already received a $5000 grant from either the Small Business Immediate Flood Relief Program or Community Sport Emergency Flood Assistance Program, this amount will be included in any funds provided under this program.
If you were unsuccessful in applying to either of these $5000 programs, you will not be eligible for a Business and Community Sport Flood Recovery Grant.