Football Queensland (FQ) has announced the formation of a new and improved State Referees Committee (SRC), to focus on recruitment of match officials and ensuring that they are retained for the long-term across the state.
In total, eight committee members were appointed to the SRC, all of whom bringing a wealth of experience and achievements across.
“This revamped State Referees Committee brings together talented people from a variety of backgrounds and experiences in refereeing,” FQ CEO Robert Cavallucci said.
“In the 2020–2022 Strategic Plan, Football Queensland identified the need to grow referee numbers around the state whilst improving the quality and standard of refereeing.
“The significant investment FQ has made in referees over the past 18 months has already led to a sizeable increase in registration numbers, and the SRC will provide expert advice as we look to reach our strategic target of 2,200 registered referees by 2022.”
The new committee members feature John Peters (chair of the SRC), Gordon Nicholson (Secretary of the SRC), Darren MacLeod, Zac Keenan, Kerrie Graf, Catherine Marsh, Joseph Lee and Adrian O’Connor.
“FQ is implementing a range of new referee initiatives this year, including the introduction of Referee Coach and Development Officers, a buddy system for junior referees and new assessor and mentor ID tags as part of the ‘No Badge, No Bench, No Ref Room’ policy,” FQ Senior Manager – State Referees Jacqui Hurford said.
“We are determined to continually provide development opportunities and increase the number of referees across Queensland, and we are confident the skillset and knowledge within the SRC will help FQ continue that growth trajectory in 2021 and beyond.”
The SRC works in line with the Australian Officiating Development Schedule (AODS), which is maintained by Football Australia.
You can find history and background of each appointed State Referees Committee member here.