Football Tasmania has officially debuted its Equality and Respect in Sport program in an effort to facilitate greater opportunities for women in leadership within football.
The program will be delivered in partnership with Our Watch, a national leader in the primary prevention of violence against women and children.
Football Tasmania CEO Matt Bulkeley views the program as a gamechanger for women and girls involved in the World Game.
“With the highest level of female participation in the nation, promoting gender equality in football has been a priority for Football Tasmania for a number of years,” Bulkeley said.
“We are delighted to take our efforts to the next level thanks to this new partnership with Our Watch, who will be working closely with Football Tasmania and our football community on the delivery of the Equality and Respect in Sport program.
“In addition to continuing to make football more accessible for women and girls, we want to ensure that there are equal opportunities for women in leadership within football throughout all levels of the game.
“The program will involve training senior leaders across Football Tasmania in ‘Changing the Story through Sport’, as well as introducing a state-based Equality and Respect in Sport framework.
“This will also allow for us to provide support to clubs and associations for gender equality action plan development and self-assessment,” Mr Bulkeley said.
“A community champions program will build capacity and sustainability at a local level that will work into local communities and aid in understanding violence and gender equality, active bystander skills, child safety and responding to disclosures.
Our Watch CEO Patty Kinnersly values the important role sport has towards influencing broader societal attitudes and behaviours.
“Sport is ingrained in our culture, so clubs, administrators and players can play a powerful role in influencing attitudes and behaviours, shaping whether we accept or reject disrespect and violence towards women,” Kinnersly said.
“This grant is a positive step forward for making sure women and girls are treated as equals, both on and off the pitch. It helps normalise gender equality and respect for women, creating the foundations for a safer, and more inclusive experience within Tasmania’s sporting clubs.”
The Equality and Respect in Sport program is a result of Football Tasmania and Our Watch’s successful application to the Sport Australia Women Leadership in Sport program.