Melbourne’s western suburbs will be home to a brand-new sporting and community precinct in its heartland, if Liberal win the upcoming Victorian state election.
Liberal has committed to invest $100 million towards the construction of this key new “Wyndham Stadium and Community Recreation Precinct” as step one in a major investment to support the basic infrastructure needs of Melbourne’s growing western suburbs long neglected by the Andrews Labor Government.
The centre piece of the new precinct is a 15,000-seat unique three-sided stadium, based on similar NFL stadiums in the USA, that will be the new home of the Western United Soccer team – the current A-League champions.
Following extensive discussions with the local community, this funding commitment will enable the establishment of significant grassroots sporting and community facilities including:
An indoor arena with up to 8,000 seats for basketball, netball, concerts, and cultural events,
- A multi-level multi-sports centre, with levels for basketball, netball, futsal, combat sports, cricket and tennis,
- A swim school,
- Childcare providing up to 300 places,
- Community meeting spaces,
- Open access outdoor tennis, basketball, netball and futsal courts.
- A new train station, which will be constructed within a short walk from the action.
- More than 800 jobs will be supported during construction of the precinct and up to 6,500 jobs once completed.
The new open-ended stadium will also have capacity to other sports including rugby league, rugby union and major concerts.
Leader of the Liberal Party, Matthew Guy, said the announcement was a key pillar to the Liberals and Nationals’ commitment to ensuring the growing western suburbs have the infrastructure it deserves.
“Melbourne will now be the Australian home of soccer and that’s fantastic. Building this precinct is not only a winner for the western suburbs, but a winner for all Victorians,” Guy said in a statement.
“This project will put thousands of locals in jobs, and provide a space for the community to use and be proud of for decades to come.”
Western Melbourne Group Chairman, Jason Sourasis, added via Liberal Victoria it was a proud moment for everyone involved.
“The impact that this facility and the broader precinct will have on not only the local Wyndham community, but the whole of the West of Melbourne, will be enormous and we are so proud to have this commitment from the Victorian Liberals and Nationals.”