The Western Australian Government has released details on a financial support program to assist sport and active recreation organisations within the state, in hopes of strengthening and diversifying the sporting and physical activity options for WA and increase participation.
The Sport and Recreation Events Funding Program looks at bolstering the arts, culture, sports, and Indigenous Australian attractions of the state to a global audience.
Grants up to $50,000 are available, with 3 distinct categories on offer:
- Event Projects: Funding support for specific sports and recreation projects. Funding of up to $15,000 is available
- Event Hosting: Assistance for organisations hosting sports events. Funding up to $50,000 is available.
- Country Sport Enrichment Scheme: Focusing on enhancing sports opportunities in regional areas. Funding up to $30,000 is available.
The WA Government is encouraging all groups that qualify to apply, to do so in order to grow the sporting sector of Western Australia. All levels of sporting organisations from local to national are viable to apply, as well as national league clubs, community and recreation organisations, and any other sport clubs.
To be eligible, organisations must have the following:
- Possess an Australian Business Number (ABN)
- Hold sufficient insurance cover during the entirety of the grant period (this needs to be provided in application). Public Liability Insurance needs to be set at a minimum of $10 million per claim.
- The state or national body (if this applies to your organisation) must provide evidence of support of the event being conducted in Western Australia.
- Compliance with all relevant COVID-19 regulations and safeguards.
- Be incorporated under the Associations Incorporations Act 2015 (WA) or a company limited by guarantee under the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth) or a registered local government entity in Western Australia.
For projects to be completed between January and June 2024, applications close at 5pm AWST on Monday, October 16, 2023.
A second round of funding is available for projects for July-December 2024. These will open January 29 next year 9am AWST, and closes February 26 at 5pm AWST, 2024.
It is essential that all applicants read and understand the Sport and Recreation Events Funding Program guidelines prior to submitting an application.