Football Queensland have announced their 2021 Female Football Week will be held from March 1 to March 8.
The week-long initiative will conclude on International Women’s Day.
“Football Queensland is delighted to announce this year’s Female Football Week, which will recognise the contributions of women and girls in our game while promoting female participation across all areas of football,” FQ President Ben Richardson said.
“Women and girls are the future of our game, and Football Queensland is committed to strengthening pathways, developing infrastructure and delivering high-quality participation experiences to create more opportunities for women and girls to join our game as outlined in our Strategic Plan.
“This is a focus now more than ever as we enter the centenary season of women’s football here in Queensland, look ahead to the FIFA Women’s World Cup 2023 to be held on home soil, and prepare to launch our 2021-2023 Women and Girls Strategy.”
“Football Queensland is proud of the progress we are making to grow the women’s game across the state, and we’re excited to celebrate this year’s Female Football Week alongside the opening round of the NPL Junior Girls competition and the ground-breaking new Kappa Women’s Super Cup,” FQ CEO Robert Cavallucci said.
“It’s been fantastic to see such a strong interest in the inaugural state-wide competition especially from our regional clubs, with 55 teams from community level to the NPL Queensland competing from across nine regions.
“Unlocking new opportunities for female players across Queensland, the Kappa Women’s Super Cup will kick off on the final weekend of Female Football Week and showcase some of the state’s best female players.
“Football Queensland’s Female Football Week celebrations will then continue into the following week, with a number of programs and initiatives planned as we look towards the opening round of our NPL Women’s competition on March 12.
“We encourage our zones and clubs across the state to join us in celebrating the contributions of women and girls in our game as part of Female Football Week by running their own initiatives and events which we look forward to supporting.”
Clubs in Queensland can register their Female Football Week initiatives and view event ideas here.